
cracked industry to work in

I've always been confused about where to find employment. Seeing the cracked engineers on twt makes me feel that I can follow them in their footsteps which might lead me to someplace affluent. Money for me is necessary, however, not my only desire. I need enough money to buy motorcycles or to customize them. I need enough money to run my own pizzeria, own a hillside house, and buy 10000 books and vinyl. But let me return to what I feel now guides me like a fish and hook.


With the advent of AGI, the possibility of superintelligence penetrates all industries worldwide, from defence to toiletries. To wipe your ass or to drop nuclear weapons - all of it is now in the hands of binary computations. Beautiful. The possibility of new unknowns arising now as diplomacy progresses only highlights a fun problem. The stakes are going to be higher than ever before, and the avenues of attack are going to be more intense. It's all or nothing and in a multipolar world, this is just fun!

I'm going to hell or heaven but I find myself desperately craving this poisonous fruit.

It'll be fun.